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Industrial water treatment is for optimization of most industrial processes based on water, such as: heating, cooling, processing, cleaning, and rinsing, so that operating costs and risks are reduced. Cooling towers are heat removal devices used to transfer process waste heat to the atmosphere. Cooling towers may either use the evaporation of water to remove process heat and cool the working fluid or in the case of closed circuit dry cooling towers rely solely on air to cool the working fluid. Common applications include cooling the circulating water used in oil refineries, chemical plants, power stations and building cooling. Cooling towers can scale up and corrode, but left untreated, the warm, dirty water they can contain will encourage bacteria to grow. We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of chemical compounds and chiller / HVACnR Chemicals which are used in various industrial purposes. Our offered range of chemical compounds is used to enhance the performance of the systems by making them free from corrosion, impurities and other undesired elements. Our company is located in Kolkata, and started its beginning in 1970.From the beginning till today we are producing and delivering best quality solutions with the certification of ISO 9001:2008. With the wide network and more than 25 distributors in the bigger cities all over India we are capable of delivering bulk of chemical products. Other Products : Cooling Tower Water Antiscalants : Cooling water antiscalants or scale inhibitors are chemical compounds that inhibit or prevent scale formation in the heat exchanger by means of sequestering calcium and magnesium salts, dispersing silica, chelating iron and breaking-up colloidal deposits like clay and silt that are otherwise formed in the heat exchanger. Cooling Tower Water Biocides, Micro Biocides or Algaecide : Biocides function in removing and preventing spores, fungi, legionella pneumophila bacteria, and many other bacteria etc in Cooling Tower Water. Cooling Water Scale and Corrosion Inhibitors : Cooling Water Scale and Corrosion Inhibitors are chemical compounds that inhibit scale formation in the heat exchangers and prevent corrosion or rusting of heat exchangers at severe water conditions. Cooling Tower Water Dispersants & Biodispersants : Cooling tower biodispersants are chemical compounds that are dosed in cooling tower water to prevent fouling of system due to biological growth such as algae, slimes and bacterial deposits. It helps to remove biofilms that are formed by these micro-organisms, which otherwise are difficult to remove by adding biocides.

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